Les forums / Glastonbury 2005

1ere rumeurs, miam
The White Stripes - strong rumour
Keane - strong rumour
Coldplay - strong rumour
Embrace - rumour
Ian Brown - strong rumour
Kylie Minogue - strong rumour
Jean Michel Jarre - strong rumour
Outkast - strong rumour
Status Quo - strong rumour
Faithless - strong rumour
New Order - strong rumour
The Undertones - strong rumour
Boa - strong rumour
Atomic Hooligan - strong rumour
Pronghorn - strong rumour
Oojami - strong rumour
Pronghorn - strong rumour
The Highliners - strong rumour
Bodger & Badger - strong rumour
Electric Soup - strong rumour
BlackBud - rumour
Bloc Party - strong rumour
Brian Wilson - strong rumour
Elbow - rumour
Franz Ferdinand - rumour
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