Une tragédie américaine (The Boulevard of Broken Dreams)
"Enfin le grand public va pouvoir découvrir Kim Deich, l'un des secrets les mieux gardés du monde des comics depuis plus de trente-cinq-ans. Un Père Fondateur, un conteur magistral, dont les pages superbement structurées et les intrigues aux entrelacs subtils font revivre un passé américain hanté et envoûtant". Art Spiegelman.
De 1910 à nos jours, un siècle d'animation américaine. Waldo, chat séducteur, fourbe et traître hante ces pages et ses dessinateurs. A la fois personnage et incarnation des cartoons, sa présence éclaire l'Histoire d'un autre jour, bien moins politiquement correct que la version grand public. Kim Deitch As sixties comics were popular and under-exploited from an artistic point of view, they were the perfect medium for Kim Deitch. In 1972 he published his first underground comic book, 'Corn Fed Comics'. Soon after, he began contributing to various magazines (East Village Other, 'Bijou Funnies') and put out more comic books. Currently, he is working on several projects, including the series 'The Search for Smilin' Ed' and a monthly kids comic called 'Nickelodeon'. As this title indicates, much of Deitch's comix work is linked to animation, centering on animation as an industry and animation characters. Deitch regularly exhibits his originals in various galleries. Kim Deitch is generally held to be one of the greatest influences in American underground comix. (Source : http://www.lambiek.net/deitch.htm)
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Date de parution | Décembre 2003 |
Statut histoire | One shot 1 tome paru |
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